Speech of FM Milososki at 16th session of UN Human Rights Council
admin1 – March 1, 2011 – 12:49pm

H.E. Mr. Antonio MILOSHOSKI,

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia at the 16th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Mr. Chairman,
Madame High Commissioner,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to address the Human Rights Council today and present the views of the Republic of Macedonia on the most pressing issues on the Council’s agenda.  
I am confident that our deliberations and follow-up actions will contribute to further strengthening the universal importance of human rights principles as reflected in the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The delegation of the Republic of Macedonia aligns itself with the statement made by Hungary on behalf of the European Union.   

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, let me underline that the Government of the Republic of Macedonia commends the urgent attention the Council attached to the situation of human rights in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, by convening a Special Session and strongly supports the adopted Resolution.
We condemn the use of force and violent repression against demonstrators and support the appeal of the international community for the violence to end immediately and steps to be taken for a prompt and peaceful transition in Libya, through comprehensive national dialogue and respect for human rights.
We also have no doubt that the Council should, and will use all means available, to compel the Libyan Government to respect the human rights and the will of its citizens  
The changes that are happening in Northern Africa and the Middle East are obviously historic, but have in some cases resulted in violation of international humanitarian and human rights law. We express our support and solidarity to the peoples of the Region in their aspirations for comprehensive social, political and economic reform in a peaceful, inclusive and transparent manner.

Mr. Chairman,

I would like to take this opportunity to once again reaffirm that human rights and fundamental freedoms are the paramount values of the constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia, and constitute one of the core components and guiding principle of its foreign policy.
The Republic of Macedonia strongly supported the establishment of the Human Rights Council as a historic step forward in our efforts to strengthen universal promotion and protection of human rights. We believe that it is the universal forum to discuss and contribute to finding solutions to human rights situations worldwide.  

The Macedonian government is convinced that the fundamental rights, dignity and value of the human being, as well as equality of rights for men and women are essential for social progress and improvement of living standard.  The Republic of Macedonia has clearly defined its priorities in this area and these are: promotion and protection of the rights of the child, struggle against gender discrimination and violence, advancement of the rights of women, fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, fight against poverty and exclusion, protection from discrimination, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, protection of rights of disabled persons, rights of the Roma, and promotion and adherence to human rights instruments, both at the international and region level.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
From May to November 2010, Macedonia Chaired the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The Macedonian Chairmanship was focused on promoting the fundamental principles and values of the Organization in the year marking the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the European Convention on Human Rights, one of its most recognizable legal instruments. In the course of its Chairmanship, the Republic of Macedonia successfully followed up on the activities of previous chairmanships aimed at strengthening democracy, rule of law, and respect for human rights, with the main focus being on the thematic areas: consolidating human rights protection, fostering integration while respecting diversity, promoting youth participation.     

Mr. Chairman,

I would like to present our views on the Human Rights Council Review Process in 2011. We believe its functions and its results during the first five years of existence should be measured on the basis the UN Charter principles and Universal Declaration and the core purposes of the United Nations: peace and security, sustainable development and protection of human rights. Furthermore, the credibility of the HRC should be evaluated based on respect for the principles of universality, interdependence and indivisibility. The Council has achieved important goals: the independence of Special Procedures and of the Office of the High Commissioner, the capacity of the HRC to deal with situations where grave violations of human rights have been made and the participation of the NGO’s. All these results are largely satisfactory, although improvements are still necessary in order to make this body more coherent, coordinated and a more effective instrument.
In regard to the Review Process, we support the activities, including consultations within the Open Ending Working Group on the HRC Review Process. On the assessment of the functioning of the UPR, a process which Macedonia underwent in 2009, we consider it to be very positive. From our experience, commitment to ensure a correct follow-up of UPR recommendations is the most substantial aspect of the UPR process. Regarding the role of the Special Procedures within the HRC framework, it is of crucial importance within this system, to preserve the independent manner of the mandate holders. Therefore, we support constructive cooperation with the established special procedures and member states.
Concluding on this issue, my country supports solutions that will contribute to strengthening the role of the Council, to make it more efficient and more effective in serving the interest of rights-holders everywhere. Macedonia is open for cooperation and active participation that will allow us to reach a consensus document and to have a Council review leading to a strengthened institution with increased credibility.

Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Last, but not least, I would like to inform you that the Republic of Macedonia presented its candidature for the seat on the Human Rights Council for the term 2013-2016.
Our major priorities for human rights promotion and protection at international level are: further advancement and development of the international human rights norms, as one of the central activities within United Nations; contribution to the human rights promotion throughout the world by supporting the initiatives for adopting documents concerning the advancement of human rights and freedoms of the most vulnerable categories; advancement of the rights of women; advancement of the rights of the child and enhanced cooperation with all United Nations mechanisms for human rights

The Republic of Macedonia is a party to all major international human rights instruments. In 2011, the Republic of Macedonia will ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol to the Convention and the UN Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
I would like to assure you that the Republic of Macedonia is determined to continue upholding and promoting the highest standards of human rights and pledges to contribute in a constructive and transparent manner to the work of the Human Rights Council.

We would appreciate your support to our candidature.

    Thank you.

Geneva, 1 March, 2011