admin1 – March 10, 2011 – 2:01pm

The strategic partnership with our friends in Washington is the general orientation of the Macedonian Government, said Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki.

“During this Government’s term, the document on strategic partnership between Macedonia and the USA was signed too and we believe that this relation, as well as our alliances on the ground such those in Iraq and Afghanistan, is confirmation that our friendship is firmly established,” Minister Milososki said.

Minister Milososki made this statement following the column of former ambassador Risto Nikovski in Nova Makedonija in which Nikovski directly attacks US Ambassador Philip Reeker. In his subsequent statement, Nikovski assessed also that the USA was not Macedonia’s strategic partner.

“Nikovski’s stands are not government stands. Every individual is entitled to their own opinions, statements and comments,” Minister Milososki said.

Risto Nikovski is member of the council for international cooperation of President Gjorge Ivanov’s office. However, the president’s office distanced itself from Nikovski’s position. The Government too referred to him as an individual that they refused to comment on.

The US Embassy informed that they have notified both the US Department of State and the office of the US Vice President of the latest attacks.

In the meantime, Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar, who paid Macedonia a 2-day official visit, said a priority for Macedonia at this moment should be renewing the political dialogue and the opposition’s return to Parliament.

“My appeal is that the government and the opposition reach an agreement to return the political dialogue to where it belongs – in Parliament,” he said.

According to Minister Milososki too, keeping a dialogue is important for Macedonia’s credibility in the eyes of the European public as well.

“The opposition’s return to Parliament is going to help us keep the reputation that we have so far had as a functional country in circumstances of a multiethnic society,” Milososki said.

Asked if there was a danger for Macedonia to lose the recommendation for opening EU membership negotiations, Minister Milososki said the parliamentary boycott by the opposition did not contribute to keeping the achieved level as regards Macedonia’s European integration.