admin1 – March 21, 2011 – 3:04pm

The public hearing in Macedonia’s lawsuit against Greece for breaching the Interim Accord the two countries signed in 1995 begins Monday (21 March).

Macedonia filed the application on 17 November 2008 after Greece did not allow Macedonia to join NATO under the provisional reference of “former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” at the Summit of the Alliance in April of that year. In its application Macedonia demands of the Court “to protect its rights defined in the Interim Accord”, which would make it possible for Macedonia to become a member of NATO and the EU under the provisional reference. Law professionals say that Macedonia has strong arguments to substantiate its application.

According to the spokesperson for the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens is going to defend itself by contending that it was Macedonia that forfeited the Interim Accord first by using Hellenistic symbols, an act that Greece saw as “provocation”.

The International Court of Justice is going to take the decision in September at the earliest and by the end of 2011 at the latest. Legal professionals explain that the decision of the Court will have to be honored. However, diplomats warn that the court proceedings should not be brought in connection with the name issue talks being conducted under UN auspices with Matthew Nimetz’s mediation.

In his interview with Radio Free Europe, former Foreign Minister Denko Maleski, says that this process is not going to have a major effect on the name issue talks but may help Macedonia in the process of looking for a solution.

Macedonia is going to present its arguments on Monday and Tuesday and Greece on 24 and 25 March.  Macedonia will be represented by Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki and co-agent will be the Macedonian Ambassador to the Hague, Nikola Dimitrov. The team representing Macedonia includes also four law professors from London, Washington, Brussels and Sorbonne, as well as two law professors from the Faculty of Law in Skopje.