admin1 – April 6, 2011 – 1:27pm

Instead of being reduced, in keeping with the OSCE recommendations, the voters’ list expanded by 40,000 new voters from January to end March this year. At the moment, the voters’ list, which has been provided to the State Election Commission Tuesday, has a total of 1,830,000 voters and only a month and a half ago, when the results of its revision were announced, the authorities said that in end 2010 Macedonia had 1,792,6000 voters, Nova Makedonija said.

“I don’t know exactly how many voters there are at the moment. Over 1.8 million,” said Subhi Jakupi, vice president of the State Election Commission (DIK) who is in charge of this authority until its president is elected. Jakupi promoted Tuesday the electronic voters’ list.

The services working on the e-list confirmed that at the moment there were over 1,830,000 voters.

Jakupi could not explain the reason for the increased number of voters.

“We received the information from the relevant institutions and we can neither increase nor decrease the number,” he said.

The offices of Justice Minister Mihajlo Manevski and Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska had no explanation of where the 40,000 new voters had come from either. They had been revising the voters’ list for a year and stated a month and a half ago they detected only 8,685 deceased citizens that were still on the list.

Manevski and Jankulovska said at the time the list was fully revised and there were no longer suspicions regarding its relevance.