admin1 – April 8, 2011 – 1:28pm

Not issuing fiscal receipts, corruption, tax evasion or unprofessional conduct of public administration employees will also be reported online through the website of the Public Revenue Office (UJP), said Information Society and Administration Minister Ivo Ivanovski.

With this project, Minister Ivanovski stressed, the degree of sophistication of the electronic services as a standard by which the EU evaluates all member states every year will be raised. It is also part of the standards set by the Macedonian government for information society development.

The statistics of UJP show that through the phone line 198 and the contact center of this institution from 2006 to end 2010, 24,330 reports of corruption, not issuing fiscal receipts, tax evasion or unprofessional conduct by administration employees have been registered.

According to UJP director Goran Trajkovski, by introducing the electronic forms, the reports will be of better quality. UJP’s targets include also reports of erratic and inaccurate payment of gross salaries. UJP is one of the institutions to be encompassed by the system of e-forms, which is also going to include 20 different services defined by European criteria, which citizens and firms are going to receive online.