admin1 – April 12, 2011 – 1:37pm

Parliament is going to dissolve on Thursday (14 April) and the early parliamentary elections will be called for 5 June on Friday (15 April), said Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski following the coordination meeting Monday with the vice presidents of the Parliament and the coordinators of the parliamentary groups, Kapital reports. MPs collected signatures Monday and Tuesday regarding the dissolution decision.

“After my decision on the dissolution of Parliament was provided to the coordinators of the parliamentary groups, we agreed upon the concrete steps leading to parliamentary dissolution and calling of elections,” Speaker Veljanoski said.

The steps include adoption of the public administration reform laws, and the modifications to the election law and the law on MPs. The Parliament is voting Tuesday on the laws being passed with a two-thirds majority and is going to elect the President of the State Election Commission as well as the extradition-related constitutional amendments.

At the end of his address, Speaker Veljanoski appealed to the MPs of the opposition to participate in the last activities of the incumbent parliamentary composition.

“I wish the decision on dissolving Parliament was signed not just by the government but also by the opposition. We should vote through together the decision for returning the mandate to the citizens so that they can decided who should lead the country,” he said.

He urged the opposition to come to vote on the election of Boris Kondarko as president of the State Election Commission (DIK), because, as he said, he was proposed by SDSM.

The Speaker’s appeals yielded no results considering that SDSM have no intention of returning to Parliament,

“We are going to meet VMRO-DPMNE only on the election day and we are not returning to Parliament because if they had wanted consensus they would not have passed more than 200 laws without the opposition. The most important for us is that they passed the election legislation alone and are now hypocritically asking us to elect Kondarko together,” the coordinator of the SDSM parliamentary group, Cvetanka Ivanova, told Kapital.

The coordination meeting with Speaker Veljanoski Tuesday was attended solely by the coordinators of VMRO-DPMNE and BDI, Silvana Boneva and Tahir Hani. The opposition parties, including PDSH, which has recently returned to Parliament to help its dissolution, did not attend.