Boris Kondorko president of the State Election Commission
admin1 – April 13, 2011 – 8:19am

The Parliament, without the presence of the opposition, chose Boris Kondorko from SDSM as the president of the State Election Commission (DIK). Vlatko Gjorcev from VMRO-DPMNE stated that he hopes that Kondarko will have sense for the democratic process and act independently. According to Ermira Mehmeti from BDI, it is regretful that the DIK president was elected without the votes of the opposition. SDSM, LDP and DR say that the entire responsibility for fair and democratic elections falls on the Government. In an interview with A1 TV, Kondarko stated that he is not worried about the criticisms that he was a party member because this is according to law and that his duty is to work according to the Election Law.