admin1 – April 29, 2011 – 1:43pm

Macedonia’s constitutional name remained on the website of the United Nations in the post about Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki’s visit only for a few hours, Nova Makedonija reports.

Antonio Milososki, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was announced on Thursday morning as Minister of the Republic of Macedonia but the post was changed by Thursday afternoon and so the final announcement stated that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was to meet the minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The previous announcement with the country’s constitutional name was a pleasant surprise considering that Macedonia joined the United Nation in 1993 under the provisional reference.

The Macedonian candidacy for membership of the Human Rights Council in 2013-2016, the dialogue between Skopje and Athens about the name issue conducted under UN auspices and the international dimension of the lawsuit that Macedonia launched before the International Court of Justice in the Hague because of the breach of the Interim Accord by the southern neighbor are the topics that Minister Milososki was scheduled to table at the meeting with Secretary General Ban Ki-moon later Thursday.

Minister Milososki came to New York from Japan and is set to visit Brazil on Sunday where he is scheduled to meet his Brazilian counterpart Antonio Patriota.

Macedonia has so far had almost no diplomatic activities in the countries of Latin America. The country has no embassies in this part of the world and the activities are mostly carried out through the representatives in Washington and New York. Slobodan Casule who visited Argentina in 2002 while serving as minister of foreign affairs says that Macedonia has to open embassies in the South American countries.

“We need embassies first of all to take care of our citizens living in those countries and then to take care of our interests especially bearing in mind the irrational situation caused by the name issue imposed by Greece. The support from Latin America means a lot to us,” Casule explains.

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic has been in Brazil for a few days now. It has been assessed that Belgrade has excellent political relations with Brasilia, which should reflect on the economic cooperation too. Jeremic is accompanied by a Serbian economic team at the World Economic Forum in Rio de Janeiro. Minister Milososki, on the other hand, is expected to leave for Brazil alone but Foreign Ministry officials say he may discuss economic issue at some of his meetings as well.