Flash News
admin1 – June 6, 2011 – 8:21am

With more than 55 parliamentary seats, VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition for better Macedonia won these elections. This victory has a special significance because it was scored in times of global crisis, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski at the first press-conference where he announced the victory. Gruevski assessed that the election were held in a fair and democratic atmosphere, thanks to all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

Little after midnight, President of opposition SDSM Branko Crvenkovski congratulated VMRO-DPMNE on the achieved election results. According to Crvenkovski, the battle continues adding that SDSM does not stop here and that it guarantees that the time of this party is yet to come. Radmila Sekerinska, SDSM’s candidate that ran for Prime Minister, also congratulated VMRO-DPMNE and stressed that SDSM would resume the battle but now as a very constructive opposition.

BDI declared victory in the Albanian camp and according to spokesperson Ermira Mehmeti, the party won more than 53,000 votes.

President of the State Election Commission Boris Kondarko said that the elections were calm and the turnout was 63.30 percent. The minor incidents will be checked but this does not distort the general image of the elections.

President Gjorge Ivanov at the day of elections stated that the elections are a day when democracy is celebrated and wished them to be held appropriately.

According to 97.9 percent of the processed data presented by the State Election Commission Monday morning, VMRO-DPMNE  leads with 426, 804 votes, SDSM- 358, 169 votes, BDI – 108, 371 votes, VMRO-NP – 27, 466, PDSH – 59,693, LDP – 13, 043, Rufi Osmani’s party NDP – 29,132, United for Macedonia – 16, 333, LDP – 4391, Democratic Right Wing – 1458, DR – 19, 314.