admin1 – June 6, 2011 – 12:21pm

The Macedonian citizens elected Sunday the MPs that would be representing them in the next four years. The constitution of the seventh Parliament will most probably take place by 25 June at the latest and the new Government will be elected by 10 August. These second early parliamentary elections were very uncertain, the main dilemma being whether VMRO-DPMNE would win again or whether the leftists led by SDSM would regain power, Utrinski vesnik reports.

Under the Constitution, the constitutive meeting is held within 20 days of the elections and it is called by the parliament speaker of the previous composition. Unless the constitutive meeting is scheduled within this period, the newly elected MPs would assemble at their own initiative and constitute the new Parliament on the 21st day of the day the elections were held. The Parliament can be constituted provided that at least 80 MPs have been elected.