admin1 – June 6, 2011 – 12:55pm

VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition won most votes at the early parliamentary elections, held Sunday.

According to the results from all 2.976 polling stations that were presented Monday by the State Election Commission, the governing coalition won 437, 665 votes or 39 percent followed by the SDSM-led coalition which won 367, 876 votes or 32.78 percent. BDI won 114, 870 votes  (10.24 percent), PDSH – 66, 055 votes (5.89 percent), NDP- 29,981 votes (2.67 percent), VMRO-NP – 28, 125 (2.51 percent), DR- 19, 732 ( 1.76 percent), United for Macedonia – 17,015 (1.52 percent), LDP – 16, 556 (1.48 percent), DIGNITY – 8, 847 (0.79 percent), PODEM - 4,417 (0.39 percent), SDU – 2,268 (0.20 percent), NDU – 453 votes (0.04 percent), SDPM – 1803 votes (0.16 percent), Democratic Right-Wing Party – 1515 votes (0.14 percent), European Party of Macedonia – 130 votes (0.01 percent) and PPD – 275 (0.02 percent).

The voter turnout totals 63.29 percent. A total of 1.154.371 citizens came out to vote on Sunday and the number of valid ballots is 1. 122. 420.

The final results are announced within a matter of 24 hours after the election.