admin1 – June 14, 2011 – 2:07pm

On the occasion of the death of the highly esteemed former US Secretary of State, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, a proven friend of Macedonia, Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki launched an initiative to the City of Skopje for naming a street in the capital after him.

Mr. Eagleburger was a prominent career diplomat who served as advisor to a number of US Presidents, from John F. Kennedy to George Bush, renowned for his courage, resolve and consistency. The loss of Eagleburger does not represent only a loss to the world political public and diplomacy but also for Macedonia bearing in mind the achievements he left behind. Secretary Eagleburger will stay remembered as a good connoisseur of our region, an exceptional person and one of Macedonia’s greatest friends who made a remarkable contribution to the high level of political, economic and cultural cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the USA.