admin1 – June 15, 2011 – 1:30pm

Will BDI leader Ali Ahmeti set deadlines for resolution of the name issue for rapid integration of the country into NATO and the EU and will he table demands that VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski will not be able to accept so that the two victorious parties can form a government?

These are the questions that the political parties and some media ask in the absence of any official information from VMRO-DPMNE and BDI over whether the negotiations about the new government have commenced and what the positions of Gruevski and Ahmeti will be, Dnevnik reports.

Based on the promises from the election campaign, one can conclude that BDI and their leader Ahmeti retained the position that their crucial priority is accelerating the process of European integration by way of a compromise solution to the name issue. However, BDI set no deadlines in this regard. On the contrary in his interview with Dnevnik, Ermira Mehmeti-Devaja from BDI, said that setting deadlines as certain parties do was typical pre-election rhetoric and demagogy.

“Those parties know that the resolution of the name issue does not depend exclusively on the Albanian parties. They know best that those deadlines are used as pre-election marketing, which is all the more so considering these deadlines are set by politicians who had a chance, were part of the government and attended the summit in Bucharest and failed to come to a solution,” she said.

Even after the elections, a high-ranking BDI official said that it was irresponsible to set deadlines for such an important issue, which did not depend solely on Macedonia’s willingness.