admin1 – June 23, 2011 – 2:00pm

The constitutive meeting of the new Parliament will be held on Saturday at noon and the composition of the new Government may be known as early as next week.

The negotiations between VMRO-DPMNE and BDI, the two parties that won the elections and are going to form the governing coalition, have entered their closing stage, which both parties confirmed Wednesday.

The negotiating teams of VMRO-DPMNE and BDI say that the new Parliament will most probably elect the new Parliament Speaker on Saturday as well. However, they refuse to reveal whether the second most important office in the country will be filled by a representative of VMRO-DPMNE or, for the first time since Macedonia’s independence, an official from Ali Ahmeti’s party.

Goran Trajkovski, director of the Public Revenue Office, indirectly suggested Wednesday that the constitutional deadline for the formation of the new government, August 10, will not be waited for.

Asked whether he would be an MP or Interior Minister, as it is speculated in the political circles, he said, “let’s wait for two more days. I am not the one to say what the new government would look like.”