admin1 – June 30, 2011 – 2:24pm

Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki is not going to be Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new Government to be composed by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski for, as he explained at the press conference in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thursday, personal and family reasons, MIA reports.

As Milososki stressed, his decision is not political, but rather human and parental.
“I have taken a personal and family decision to not be part of the future Government of the Republic of Macedonia. There was trust and the path to continuing together was open yet at times one should chose between attributing precedence to their family or career. I believe that at this moment I should give my family responsibilities a priority. I am young and I am sure there will be other political challenges ahead of me,” he said.

Milososki said he has thus far performed the office of foreign minister with enthusiasm, utter commitment and a feeling of immense honor being able to represent and argue for the national interests of the Republic of Macedonia. In his political career, he said, he was afforded the opportunity to cooperate with a number of Macedonian politicians but the cooperation has never been longer, better and with more profound mutual trust as his cooperation with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, which he is certain to continue.

Antonio Milososki was appointed as foreign minister in 2006.