admin1 – July 14, 2011 – 2:26pm

Allegations that the judiciary is being interfered with, that Parliament is being disrespected, that the Constitution is broken and that the Framework Agreement is being expanded were some of the reactions of the opposition and experts after the political agreement between the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE and BDI, Nikola Gruevski and Ali Ahmeti, had been revealed and an idea had been put forward that the agreement be translated into a law at short notice.

The laws on use of languages of ethnic groups, on use of flags of ethnic groups, on the Judicial Council and Council of Prosecutors, on broadcasting and the proposal for closing the Hague cases were all put to vote in Parliament Wednesday.

Although the opposition demanded of Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski and the governing majority not to adopt these laws at short notice considering they pertain to a broad area of highly important issues and concern the identity of Albanians, VMRO-DPMNE and BDI rebuffed the arguments.