admin1 – July 28, 2011 – 12:58pm

The citizens’ support in three election cycles is a motive for us to make sure we continue implementing our planned projects. There are no tricks, regime and propaganda as our political rivals contend, forgetting they are thus humiliating the people. You either work or not, and you either build and create or not. Our achievements are already visible. We commenced projects that had not been seen before. With this message, PM Nikola Gruevski called on the MPs to back his third prime minister’s term of office at the parliamentary meeting Wednesday.

In the attendance of almost all MPs and representatives of the diplomatic corps yet in the absence of President Gjorge Ivanov, Gruevski presented the five priorities of his cabinet over the next four years. He stressed that the economic development, the integration into the EU and NATO, fighting crime and corruption, maintaining good interethnic relations and making investments in education are the principle mainstays on which the government program rests.

Prime Minister Gruevski stressed that the new Government too would continue the Greek-Macedonian dialogue to overcome the name issue based on the already determined strategy and principles.