admin1 – August 4, 2011 – 1:02pm

A threat to the peace and stability in Macedonia or a warning to the international community that the change of the borders in Kosovo would mean a serious regional problem… This is the manner in which the experts are interpreting the statement of BDI leader Ali Ahmeti given in an interview with Kosovo’s national television that the possible division of Kosovo will cause destabilization of Macedonia and he is unable to take over the responsibility to be “the guard of peace.” Macedonian political scientists see a threat to the country’s peace in Ahmeti’s statement, newspaper Dnevnik comments but also a confession that he still fosters the “umbilical cord” with Kosovo and the Albanian politicians interpret his statement as a message and warning to the international community not to think violate the principle of not changing the borders because in this case it could face the idea Great Albania.

The message that Ahmeti sent on the national holiday Ilinden caused great reactions in the Macedonian public. However, the government coalition was silent. VMRO-DPMNE did not comment Wednesday on Ahmeti’s statement and SDSM demanded of the government to publically present its standpoint regarding Ahmeti’s statement because he is the main partner of PM Nikola Gruevski’s government.

Ahmeti told Kosovo’s television that if the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo is endangered, nobody can guarantee peace in Macedonia.