admin1 – August 8, 2011 – 1:22pm

The Framework Agreement restored the peace in the country and greatly achieved the loyalty toward the institutions, emphasized Deputy Premier for Implementation of the Framework Agreement, Musa Xhaferi in an interview with Radio Free Europe. Xhaferi says that the adoption of the laws on use of the languages and flag, as well as the authentic interpretation of the Amnesty Law, do not mean expansion of the Framework Agreement.   

“We had two laws and one authentic interpretation of the Amnesty Law, adopted in 2002, which is not the same. The fact that some media or analysts want to analyze it as though the frame has been overstepped, I believe, is not the case. For instance, the Constitutional Court interpreted some articles from the Law on Use of Symbols of Ethnic Communities and showed need for its amendment in order for it to not remain a vacuum and I believe that everything is in juncture with the Ohrid Agreement and Constitution. In terms of the Law on Use of Languages, there is précising of certain issues in certain provisions and I truly do not know why there are such interpretations that something is outside the “frame” of the agreement,” Xhaferi says.