admin1 – August 9, 2011 – 3:46pm

antonio milososki
Excerpt of the Interview with former Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Antonio Milososki for the Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin

Question: In the five years behind you many significant things occurred that marked your foreign policy activities as well as those of the country in general. What events do you consider most important achievements in the foreign policy of the Republic of Macedonia in the past five years and what are the priorities in which you believe your successor would invest most energy?

Answer: I already mentioned the most important events but let me say again that in my opinion the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe was one of the most significant achievements in view of both the diplomatic activities and the representation of Macedonia before all other European countries; the positive reports from the European Commission in 2009 and 2010 for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our diplomatic network can rightfully claim part of the credit; as well as the visa liberalization which was evidence that the Republic of Macedonia has the capacity to perform tasks and meet criteria being part of the European standards and that when those achievements are not hindered by an EU member state it is obvious that our country and our institutions are fully capable of attaining the objectives and priorities of our foreign policy.
As regards the question of where I would expect my successor to invest most energy, the European integration will by all means remain to be a challenge requiring a lot of effort, energy, and coordination with other institutions at home and abroad.
Second, I trust that the regional cooperation should stay one of the pivotal components of the activities of the Macedonian MFA, considering Macedonia’s biggest commercial, political, security, cultural, educational and diplomatic potential rests in the distance from our immediate and more remote neighbors.
I trust that the active multilateralism deserves dedication on the part of the Ministry, the minister and all our political stakeholders that play a role in the foreign policy and in this regard I expect the commenced candidacy of the Republic of Macedonia for membership of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in 2013-2016 to be crowned with successes in 2013.
And finally, as far as my expectations are concerned, I would take this opportunity to say I hope that over the course of the next four years Macedonia would succeed politically, financially and diplomatically in opening embassies in Brasilia and Tokyo, which will by all means boost the potential of the Macedonian diplomatic network globally.

Respected subscribers, you are able to read the integral interview in the latest Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin no. 50.