admin1 – September 12, 2011 – 1:41pm

Newspaper Kapital analyzes that the speech of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at the celebration of Macedonia’s 20 years of independence, in which the main message was the one on national reconciliation and unity, stirred up fierce reactions on the political scene. PM Nikola Gruevski, for the first time, at an open appearance held a speech that pointed out that he is prepared to make a move. Gruevski has perhaps also previously called for unity, but this time in a role of a person who is carrier of the responsibility, practically asked all leaders for help in overcoming themselves and their partisan interests and unite around the joint Macedonian red lines.

"They ask me which is our name policy. This is the concept we promote and we ask for the support from all Macedonian citizens. The Constitution will not be changed in order to alter the constitutional name - Republic of Macedonia. We will not accept ideas and proposals jeopardizing the Macedonian national identity, nation and language. We will not allow the acceptance of any solution by individuals, government or parliament without the prior referendum of Macedonian citizens. Let's all unite over this. Let this be our red line," Gruevski said.