admin1 – September 13, 2011 – 1:25pm

If thus far it was speculated that this is the key autumn when Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and governing VMRO-DPMNE would prepare the nation for a referendum at which we would have to circle some modified name of our country for external use (because the battle is to not touch upon the constitution), now dates are also being thrown around. Unofficial information that is more frequently circling the political corridors is that the announcement for organization of a referendum will be held before 23 October, the Day of VMRO.  The ruling party has not commented on PM Gruevski’s speech held at the celebration of Macedonia’s Independence Day, in which he openly demonstrated preparedness for a compromise to be reached with our southern neighbor and called for unity. The party did not even want to comment on the information of possible dates, Kapital writes.

“We do not bid with dates, from the very first moment VMRO-DPMNE has had a clear stance, regarding the name issue that has been presented in all of our election platforms. And whether we are in favour of a compromise – absolutely yes! And it is absolutely certain that unity is needed for this issue,” the party said.