admin1 – November 16, 2011 – 2:52pm

The Macedonian economy can easily become a collateral damage of the currency war waged in the world and of the weakening of the euro as against the US dollar, businessmen caution. That is particularly true for the firms of the metallurgy complex, the driving force of the home economy contributing significantly to the overall economic growth in Macedonia. A stronger dollar does not suit them at all. A more expensive dollar also means more expensive energy resources as well as an increase in the segment of the Macedonian debt denominated in dollars, Dnevnik comments.

Considering that the denar is tightly pegged to the euro at a rate of 61.5 denars per euro, the Macedonian national currency is following the fate of the others and so when the euro is gaining ground so is the denar and vice versa when the euro gets weaker the same happens to the denar in relation to the dollar, yen and other world currencies.