admin1 – February 14, 2012 – 2:23pm

Macedonian consumers have started saving energy considering that the Government declared an energy crisis and recommended saving to avoid restrictions and an increase in the electricity price. Exports of Macedonia-made electricity have also been curbed until 29 February. If the situation is normalized in the meantime, the curbs may be lifted.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Pesevski, the decision has been taken because the functioning of the energy system and its sustainability have been seriously upset, while the shortage of electricity cannot be compensated for with imports. The low water level in accumulations is an additional problem, while at the same time electricity consumption has increased considerably because of the extremely cold weather, Vecer reports.

 “Households will get maximum protection and therefore they are the last to suffer reductions. On the other hand, they should save energy to help maintain the energy system stability,” Pesevski appealed.