admin1 – March 8, 2012 – 2:32pm

The Judgment of the International Court of Justice is slowly but inexorably attaining the expected and announced effects. Macedonia is no longer the only party urged to be active and dedicated to the negotiations, Nova Makedonija says.

The pressure is now being transferred to the other party in the name dispute as well. In fact, diplomats say, there are two messages being sent to Greece. The first is sent through the statements of the European officials that the Judgment from The Hague should be honored.

They are primarily addressed to official Athens considering The Hague Judgment is in Macedonia’s favor and, as expected, Macedonia honors it and scores points with it, diplomats say.

The second message is sent through the high-level dialogue to begin with Brussels next week, showing the Greek authorities that despite their block to setting Macedonia a date, the negotiations will begin with or without them.