admin1 – June 8, 2005 – 2:22pm

Kondovo 1

Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski assessed that the situation in Kondovo is under control. Buckovski said that there are problems, but that they are not of such proportion to destabilize Kondovo once again, as was the case seven-eight months ago.

Responding to a journalist question on Macedonia's position on the status of Kosovo, the SDSM leader stressed: "We are prepared to be constructive. By sharing our experience in building a multiethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural state, we want to be a positive example. But we also want to protect our interests, as a result of which we believe that the final resolution should be a resolution that would not threaten our territorial integrity and sovereignty. I think that everyone understands this."

With regard to UNMIK Chief Soren-Jessen Petersen's statement that the demarcation of the border should be completed before the resolving of Kosovo's status and the UNMIK spokesmen's explanation that Petersen's statement was misinterpreted, Buckovski stated that this is the second time that a statement is being qualified and that this is becoming symptomatic.

"After Defense Minister Manasievski's visit to Kosovo, we had one statement and qualification of this statement; now we have a crystal clear statement by Petersen and qualification of this statement. We will have to clear things up in a telephone conversation with Petersen, because all this is too indicative for us to think that maybe it is just an accidental statement by a UNMIK spokesman," Prime Minister Buckovski said. As regards VMRO-DPMNE's position that the prime minister, not the justice minister, should take the guarantees for Boskovski and Tarculovski to The Hague, Buckovski responded that this party is making a series of mistakes. "Gruevski, for reasons known only to him, is making problems and speaking about things that he absolutely knows nothing about," Buckovski said.

Responding to the question on whether Macedonia would react to the latest decision by Albania to forbid the forming of a party of the Macedonians, Buckovski said: "Until the procedure is completed, we will not issue a protest, because we do not want to further complicate the situation. One of the remarks regarding this party is that it is not a civic party and that it would represent only the interests of one ethnic community. This is the only reason why we are not interfering in Albania's internal affairs".