Flash News
admin1 – March 29, 2012 – 9:45am

-    A delegation of Macedonian MPs consisting of Antonio Milosoksi and Pavle Sazdov of VMRO-DPMNE, Igor Ivanovski of SDSM, and Deshira Imeri of BDI sent a message to the US public in Washington that 95 percent of Macedonian citizens wish to join NATO and the EU and that this ambition unites all Macedonian citizens. They also appealed to the Alliance to use all mechanisms at its disposal to extend Macedonia an invitation for joining NATO. At the debate at the Woodrow Wilson Institute, representatives of the Greek diaspora asked why at sporting events flags with the sun of Vergina were flown and what the point of the “antiquization” was. Milososki and Ivanovski replied that no one had the exclusive right to history.