admin1 – April 5, 2012 – 1:09pm

The Albanian diaspora is going to stage protests in a few European centers and cities in the region to express dissatisfaction with the treatment of Albanians in Macedonia. The message from the Albanian diaspora to governing BDI will be to step out of Gruevski’s government, Den reports.

A number of Albanians associations in Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands plan to stage protests. Rallies will also be organized in Pristina and Tirana. The associations of Albanians in the diaspora have been emphasizing for long the discriminatory politics against Albanians in Macedonia. Den has learned from sources in BDI that the main initiators of the protests were activists of the party living and working abroad. A reason for their anger is the fact that in the last parliamentary elections, they failed to become MPs of BDI from the diaspora. They believe the leadership of BDI conceded the parliamentary seat of a representative from Europe to its coalition partner VMRO-DPMNE without a fight. In the last poll, despite expectations that Ismail Wayne, a candidate for an MP of BDI, will be a representative of Europe, Risto Mancev of VMRO-DPMNE polled most votes, which maddened the representatives of the Albanian diaspora, who even threatened to stop sending money to the party. Now they want BDI to follow
in the footsteps of VMRO-DPMNE and its way of communicating with the Macedonian diaspora in Australia.