admin1 – April 17, 2012 – 12:59pm

The killers of the five fishermen left the site of the artificial lake near the village of Smilkovci in an Opel Omega car, Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska said Monday. According to the latest information from the operative headquarters of the Interior Ministry, searching for the perpetrators of the horrifying homicide, the examination of the car revealed that it was used by the murderers. The police do not have suspects yet, although over a hundred of people have been summoned to interrogation.

In the interest of the investigation, Jankuloska refused to say where exactly the Opel was found yet reiterated that the car was found 10 km of the lake. She denied the information of certain media in Serbia that the car was found at the Blace border crossing and that the killers escaped to Kosovo. Jankuloska appealed to media not to fall for speculations and explained that not all information police had would be revealed in order to protect the investigation.