admin1 – July 16, 2012 – 2:17pm

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is to arrive in Skopje on 25 July together with special envoy for the name issue Matthew Nimetz. This, as Serbian newspaper “Politika” reports, was announced by Ki-moon himself at the briefing with journalists in New York, when answering the question whether he is concerned over the fact that the name issue between the two countries has still not been solved.

“My special envoy for this issue will accompany me to Skopje and we’ll have the opportunity to hold talks with President Ivanov and PM Gruevski. Unfortunately, this name dispute has been going on for too long. I have urged the leaders of Greece and FYROM long time ago to solve this issue as soon as possible for their good, and it is important for them to show flexibility and a sense for compromise,” said Ki-moon.

The country’s authorities confirmed the visit of the Secretary General. PM Nikola Gruevski said that he expected the UN Secretary General to be directly informed about the name talks taking place under UN auspice.