admin1 – July 23, 2012 – 1:39pm

The Government got a solid three from experts of socio-economic policies that was conducted over the past year after the government, for the second time, won the trust of citizens. The great crisis that hit Europe and the numerous announcements for an economic boom given in the pre-election period, were important factors that had an effect on the grades of experts who graded the economic achievements of the government from 1 to 5 for newspaper Dnevnik.

In general, the government’s projects and achievements in some spheres got an average grade of 3,4. The agricultural subsidies and measures for support of the economy, according to experts, are the spheres where the Government gave its maximum and that positively affected the country’s overall economy. The state aid in the agriculture got the highest average grade of all other spheres, namely 4,25. The anti-crisis measures are graded with 3,5. The government team mostly failed in the energy sector which got an average grade of 2. A disappointment for experts are also the achievements in the construction of new roads, as well as the economic profit of project “Skopje 2014” that got an average grade of 2,5. The gasification and fight against unemployment are in the middle with a 2,75 grade.