admin1 – October 4, 2012 – 12:54pm

It is uncertain whether and when the meeting for voting confidence in the Government is held although Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski scheduled it for Friday at noon. Dnevnik has learned from sources of Veljanoski’s Office that the Speaker, based on the Rules of Procedure, is going to demand that the MPs of the government and the opposition define their strategies for the meeting Friday with the chiefs of their parliamentary groups who will then communicate them to him. However, the opposition has long been boycotting the coordination meetings with Speaker Veljanoski and refused to say whether they would attend the coordination meeting.

According to parliamentary sources, Veljanoski invited Wednesday the coordinators of the parliamentary groups, including SDSM, as initiator of the no-confidence motion, to a coordination meeting Thursday at 10.30 am so they can define the course of the parliamentary session Friday. They say Veljanoski expects the chiefs of the parliamentary groups to come to the coordination meeting considering it is an ad hoc meeting for a specific parliamentary session, at which the rules of game between the government and the opposition need to be define, and not a session for MPs’ queries where the address proportion is 2 against 1 in favor of the opposition. Veljanoski is going to invoke the Parliament Law and Article 216 of the Rules of Procedure, which says that the order of the MPs from parliamentary groups and those who are not members of any parliamentary group yet will be participating in the debate is defined in an agreement between the Speaker and the coordinators of the parliamentary groups before the start of the session.