admin1 – October 9, 2012 – 12:18pm

The old manuscripts from Macedonia in the Royal Museum of Mariemont in Morlanwelz, Belgium, will be exhibited under Macedonia’s constitutional name. The exhibition entitled “A Thousand Years of Literary Tradition in Macedonia” is set to opened Tuesday at 19.30 by Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska.

The recent announcement of the exhibition of 39 manuscripts from Macedonia (dating from the period from the 13th to the 19th centuries) in Belgium provoked reactions in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian news agency Fokus reported that the Royal Museum was going to reconsider the exhibition since it was inappropriate for the manuscripts to be referred to as Macedonian. The Macedonian news agency MIA reported that Bulgarian diplomats, historians and MEPS put pressure so the exhibition was renamed or cancelled altogether. The case culminated when the Royal Museum removed from its website the post announcing the exhibition. The Macedonian Ministry of Culture explained that the post had been removed following the reaction from the Macedonian Embassy in Brussels considering that Macedonia was referred to as FYROM in the news about the exhibition.