admin1 – December 18, 2012 – 1:55pm

Through blackmails and an ultimatum, the opposition is pushing for a scenario of a crisis in the country, putting at stake all citizens and trying to block all parliamentary committees, the government said Monday after the opposition led by SDSM refused Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski’s proposal for unblocking the adoption of the budget 2013. SDSM threatened that unless their proposal of making budget savings of 204 million euros was accepted by Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski and the Government, they would still insist on their 1,100 amendments to the budget draft and block the budget debate at the legislative committee as they did over the weekend.

“This is not a constructive opposition. On the contrary, it is a destructive opposition. In no country in the world, the opposition blocks the budget adoption by filing thousands of amendments and in no country in the world it is the opposition that creates the budget. Accepting the ultimatum and blackmail in such a way would stand for destroying democracy and the country’s political system, which is unacceptable to us,” Stavreski said.

In his view, SDSM’s proposals mean direct interference with the Government’s program goals.