admin1 – December 25, 2012 – 1:24pm

It is more than clear that the crisis in Macedonia is worsening but what happened over the past few days is its escalation which shows that the institutions are weak and that there is lack of political culture. According to analysts, the entire run of events goes in the direction of local elections and depending on the PM’s will, it also goes in the direction of early parliamentary elections. Professor Biljana Vankovska assesses that what we have been looking at has been going on for a longer period of time, but unfortunately the political battle has now turned into a physical battle.
“The blame rests in the government’s obstinacy but also in the opposition’s tactic to increase its rating. I am afraid that the battle in which demonstrators and wounded are counted is a Pyrrhic victory. The Government is forced to act in accordance to the legal procedure, in lack of a working atmosphere in the Parliament and adopt a temporary budget or to dissolve itself. The Government did not want to organize “fronts,” and the opposition could hardly wait to go in an offensive once it could not win the elections,” Vankovska said.