admin1 – December 25, 2012 – 2:57pm

President Ivanov issued a press release in regard to the events in and out of Parliament Monday which says:

“I have watched the events in and out of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia Monday with great concern. I regret the unsightly scenes and I truly hope that what we saw yesterday will never happen again.
What I have warned of in my annual address happened yesterday. My appeals obviously fell on deaf ears. I will say it again: The whole society must not be held hostage to irresponsible conduct. When it comes to the citizens’ interests and the state’s unobstructed functioning, there is no room for partial interests.
In democracy, there may be political friends and political opponents but political actors must never look at one another as foes. People expect solutions, not problems. However, solutions have to be sought out in the institutions of the state by those elected to do so. It is unacceptable that in the third decade of our independence we must witness violence against and in democratic institutions and the constitutional order.
I particularly regret the upsetting images with the representatives of the media. Everyone in this country is obliged to honor the order, the Constitution and the laws and no one should be hindered in performing their professional responsibilities, whether they are representatives of the media, Members of Parliament or members of the services.
I have said it but will say it again. If someone thinks they can divide people and set them against each other with misuse and manipulation, they obviously have no idea what wise and temperate people they are dealing with.”