admin1 – December 26, 2012 – 2:28pm

Macedonia is going to begin next year with a budget of 2.7 billion euros and a budget deficit of 3.5 percent of GDP, or nearly 290 million euros. The budget which was voted through Monday instantaneously and without a debate has 3 million euros less relative to the version that the government proposed. The way the new budget is projected and adopted, the government intends to generate next year revenues of 2.41 billion euros, 2.041 billion euros of which will be from taxes and contributions.

The government main trump card that should help the economy is the capital investments, which will be by 10.4 percent higher next year. Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski believes that the main objective of the budget in 2013 should be boosting the economic growth and protecting the most vulnerable category of citizens.

The budget allocates 13.3 million euros for rail infrastructure and little less than 4 million euros for gasification, as farming subsidies in 2013 are going to total 135 million euros.

The budget deficit in 2013 has been projected to stand at 288 million euros, which is some 90 million euros more from the one in 2012. The Government intends to cover the deficit from home and foreign sources, or 60 million euros and 289 million euros respectively.