admin1 – April 11, 2013 – 1:17pm

A day after the announcement that name issue mediator Matthew Nimetz offered the negotiators of Macedonia and Greece new ideas and considerations, officials in Athens and Skopje keep silent. This, according to analysts, is a sign that things have started to change for the better. The sole information leaked from a few Greek media, which, relying on diplomatic sources, speculate with concrete names and the adjectives “upper” and “northern,” Dnevnik reports.

Analysts say that the fact that the contents of Mr. Nimetz’s proposal have first been revealed in Greek media is a clear indication how “satisfied” Greece is with the proposal.

According to speculations, it was no coincidence that Nimetz’s meeting with negotiators Zoran Jolevski and Adamantios Vassilakis in New York overlapped with EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule’s visit to Skopje and the adoption of the Resolution on Macedonia by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, arguing that membership negotiations with Macedonian should be launched in June. In addition, according to unconfirmed information, Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, is set to visit Skopje next week, a day after Commissioner Fule presents the EC report on Macedonia in Brussels.