admin1 – May 14, 2013 – 1:54pm

We appeal to the Greek government to recognize the indigenous Macedonian language and sign and ratify the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, says the petition with which the Macedonian minority in Greece demands of the state to honor the European rules and standards and to let them use the language they speak in schools and institutions. Although the petition has been online for only a few days, it has already been signed by more than 420 people across the world.

“Not only Macedonians from the diaspora but also everybody supporting us and disapproving of the torture against Macedonians and their language that has been going on in Greece for years are welcome to sign the petition. If we wait for someone else to do this for us, we may never get what we want. And what we want is not something that conflicts with European rules and standards. On the contrary, it is something that Greece is obliged to carry out, such as the singing of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Eugenia Natsoulidou, a representative of the United Macedonian Diaspora in Greece, told Dnevnik.