admin1 – June 24, 2013 – 12:48pm

The Irish Presidency of the European Union dispelled all hopes that the Union would set the Republic of Macedonia a date for opening accession talks at the June summit of the European Council following five positive reports on Macedonia by the European Commission. According to the EU Presidency, the issue of setting Macedonia a date will be reopened in autumn and decided at the December summit of the European Council during the Lithuanian Presidency of the Union. At the summit next week, experts say, there will be neither a date nor a conclusion for Macedonia.

Ambassador Risto Nikoski told Vecer that it would be a disgrace for the Union if Serbia was set a date for launching negotiations and Macedonia was left behind.

“The announcement of the Irish Presidency that Macedonia will not be on the agenda is not at all surprising. On the contrary, it is logical in a way and there are two key factors why it is so. The first one is Bulgaria’s intention to block, too. The second one is related to the first one – blocking Macedonia again while setting Serbia a date for negotiations will be a disgrace for the Union. Even though Serbia held the whole region hostage for ten years because of Milosevic’s policies, Belgrade is now making headway, while Macedonia is left behind. This would truly be a major disgrace for Brussels,” Nikoski explains.