In its first statement to the public, the Albanian National Movement for Ilirida (NADI) expresses concern about the discrimination against the Albanians on their ethnic territories. This nonprofit, non-party, and nongovernmental organization demands that the Macedonian Assembly holds an emergency session at which it would freeze the parliamentary elections and introduce amendments to the Constitution by proclaiming Macedonia a union of two equal peoples or new state union Macedonia-Ilirida.
In its first statement to the public, which was published today in Albanian language daily "Fakti", the Albanian National Movement for Ilirida warns the Government to take this demand seriously and to assume activities within 15 days. The statement states that if the Government initiates any repression against individuals or the Albanian population, they will have no other option but to defend themselves.
This broad statement, which includes details on how the new state union should be organized, will be sent to all international organizations, the Kosovo Government, and the Albanian Government.