Flash News
admin1 – December 27, 2010 – 11:07am

A1 TV owner Velija Ramkovski is detained, as well as other 14 directors of firms at address Pero Nakov BB. Most of them are suspected of felonious affiliation and tax evasion. The police is looking for five other persons, including the son of Velija Ramkovski, Hedi Ramkovski. The police believe Hedi is hiding in Skopje. Among the detained are former directors of few firms at Pero Nakov, Darko Perusevski and Aleksandar Damovski. Still, Damovski was released after the questioning and his passport was taken away and he must appear before court each week.

admin1 – December 24, 2010 – 3:13pm
veljanoski so peres

Economic prosperity and integration into the EU and NATO are Macedonia’s main priorities, said Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski at his meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres Thursday.

President Peres pointed out the good relations between the two countries and talked about the possibility for cooperation in the agriculture. He stressed the countries should not be valued by their size but by their visions and if they are realized. In that regard, he stressed that investments should be made in science and technology, a process that is going to change the world in the next decade.

Flash News
admin1 – December 24, 2010 – 9:52am

- A1 TV owner Velija Ramkovski, as well as few other directors of firms at Pero Nakov BB, was arrested late Thursday. Ramkovski was arrested by the special police unit “Alfi” when he was entering the television house, together with his in-law – MP Fijat Canovski. According to A1 journalists, no police warrant was shown during the arrest. Ramkovski’s lawyer Miroslav Vuik says the arrest has no legal logics. Ramkovski was immediately taken to the police station in the settlement of Avtokomanda. Ministry of Interior Spokesman Ivo Kotevski confirmed the news and explained that the police seriously worked at clearing several criminal acts which Ramkovski was involved in.  

admin1 – December 23, 2010 – 3:27pm

The reforms in the country are going to be the best allies in our Euro-Atlantic integration, which is going to be our top priority in 2011 too, Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki said. This is the main conclusion of the Wednesday meeting of VMRO-DPMNE leader and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski with the leaders of the parties of the coalition “For Better Macedonia”.

“The intensity of reforms is going to rise particularly in the public administration in order to have a more efficient and more competent service. This is an important reform and therefore all those making statements about it should be careful,” Minister Milososki said.

admin1 – December 22, 2010 – 2:47pm

At the meeting of the Macedonian-Russian commission for trade, economic and scientific cooperation chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, Macedonia launched the initiative for concluding a free trade agreement with the Russian Federation.

The agreement, as stated in the announcement, is expected to raise the Macedonian export, especially of wine, fruit and vegetables. The Russian response is expected to come soon.

Raising the quantities of gas that Russia provides for Macedonia within the framework of the project for building a gas supply network was tabled at the meeting too. It was agreed that operation teams from both countries should start developing the project for a part of the gas supply network to be funded with the clearing debt.

Flash News
admin1 – December 21, 2010 – 10:46am

- Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki said the state leadership had a coordinated stance and a clear position that the Macedonian-Greek dialogue should continue under UN auspices. This is the best place for defending Macedonia’s principles and interests, he said. At the promotion of the publication “Crossroads” published by MIC, Minister Milososki stressed Macedonia expected to be set a date for opening EU accession talks in 2011.

admin1 – December 20, 2010 – 3:03pm

Two years since Macedonia filed the lawsuit against Greece over the breach of the Interim Accord, serious talks between the teams of Macedonia and Greece with the Secretariat of the International Court of Justice in the Hague and with Hisashi Owada, the Court’s president, are now in progress.

By the time the court hearing begins everything, such as the time each party is going to take to talk, the number of witnesses, if any, etc, will have been defined.

Both parties are working hard on the case and there is still no information if experts will be called to the stand. People close to the situation say that the attorneys Macedonia has hired are working very hard on every aspect and are providing arguments many of which have already been laid out in the written correspondence.

admin1 – December 16, 2010 – 2:43pm

The Parliament rejected Wednesday the interpellation against Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Mileska with 16 votes in favor and 60 votes against.

With broomsticks in their hands, the MPs of SDSM demanded of Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska Wednesday to resign providing arguments regarding the interpellation motion against her filed after the affair “Patriotic Broomstick” in which documents about 14 tenders of the project Skopje 2014 disappeared. Kanceska-Milevska is also accused of being paid unlawfully royalties of over 2,000 euros while she filled the office of state secretary at the Ministry of Culture.

Flash News
admin1 – December 16, 2010 – 9:46am

- President Gjorge Ivanov paid Wednesday a visit to Italy and met with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. President Ivanov, after the meeting with Berlusconi, stressed that Italy is serious partner of Macedonia and will demonstrate its support of the country's EU-integration process. They also discussed about boosting the economic collaboration and increasing investments.

admin1 – December 15, 2010 – 1:56pm
ivanov obrakanje

The membership of NATO and the EU is our strategic commitment and there is no sustainable alternative for Macedonia. This path is obstructed by the name issue crated by Greece and we are prepared to bridge the differences in a European manner but without changing the Macedonian identity, language and Constitution, President Ivanov said in his annual address in the Macedonian Parliament Tuesday.

“We are citizens of a European country and demand of Greece, as an EU member state, to treat as in a European manner. Therefore, I say once again that it is unacceptable to discuss a solution that affects the Macedonian identity, language and Constitution as a guardian of our country’s sovereignty and our national dignity. I would like to emphasize that as long as I am president of the Republic of Macedonia I will not allow it,” President Ivanov said.

admin1 – December 15, 2010 – 11:33am

Macedonia was closest to finding solution to the name dispute with Greece in 1999-2000, but the chance was missed, Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki told Greek Skai TV.

Milososki said that following the NATO Summit in Bucharest, Macedonia felt great pressure from the Greek Government over the Macedonian identity and language. In Milososki’s view, this is the reason why the Macedonia insists for a solution to the burning issues.

“Our statements or our wish to promote the national identity could largely be seen as a consequence or reaction to that pressure denying the right for self-determination,” stressed Milososki.

Commenting the Macedonian complaint against Greece before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, following the Bucharest veto on NATO membership, he said that it was a legal move, which wasn't politically motivated in a bid points to be scored in the name talks. FM Milososki deemed that postponing a name solution was not in favour of both Macedonia and Greece.

admin1 – December 14, 2010 – 2:41pm

Macedonia is just a step away from the abyss. It is sinking deeper into a state of despair and therefore you should start acting not on behalf of your party but on behalf of the citizens and let them decide in elections in what direction they wish their country to continue, SDSM parliamentary coordinator Cvetanka Ivanova said at the parliamentary session Monday, explaining the opposition proposal for dissolution of Parliament.

VMRO-DPMNE considers the appeal for early elections an ordinary bluff made up by Branko Crvenkovski who tries to cover up the affair “Hope” in which he is personally involved, as well as the affair “Pero Nakov bb” implicating the owner of A1 television Velija Ramkovski to whom Crvenkovski proposed being the future prime minister at a meeting in Ohrid. The MPs of the governing majority believe that while SDSM are calling for early elections, they in fact do not want elections.

admin1 – December 13, 2010 – 2:54pm

The Parliament adopted Saturday the budget 2011 with 64 votes in favor and 22 votes against. The weekend debate went in a peaceful atmosphere although the opposition MPs attacked the budget as a non-reform and non-development, contrary to the citizens’ interests. According to SDSM, the budget is the peak of the profligacy of the government, which invests in projects, such as Skopje 2014 instead of health or infrastructure.

Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski defended the government projections. In his view, the capital investments that the government increases as a budget item are going to benefit the citizens regardless of whether a highway or a museum is built. The state budget next year is going to weigh 2.6 billion euros. The economic growth has been projected at 3.5 percent, the inflation rate at 3 percent, the deficit at 2.5 percent of GDP and the foreign investments at 240 million euros. Next year too most of the money will be spent on public administration salaries as well as on purchasing goods and services. The Government did not accept any of more than 500 amendments that the opposition proposed.

admin1 – December 10, 2010 – 11:54am

Tobacco boss Bajrus Sejdiu is going to remain in the prison “Suto Orizari” in Skopje. The Supreme Court reconsidered this morning the ruling of the Court of Appeal and decided that Sejdiu should not be allowed house arrest. Media have learned that the Supreme Court is going to provide to the Judicial Council allegations of unprofessional and irresponsible conduct against two members of the Court of Appeal. They are said to be the president of the Court of Appeal, Jordan Mitrinovski, and judge Ismail Limani, who voted that Sejdiu be allowed to bail himself out with 1.4 million euros and defend himself from house arrest.

admin1 – December 10, 2010 – 10:56am

Today, we are celebrating Human Rights Day, which, this year, is dedicated to the human rights defenders working to stop discrimination. My thoughts are with these courageous and valiant people all throughout the world who stand in defence of the oppressed, discriminated and marginalized, for everyone has the right to enjoy all human rights. To defend justice, to speak publicly of human rights violations, as well as to demand accountability for government actions, sometimes implies putting one’s own life or the lives of the closest ones in peril.

admin1 – December 9, 2010 – 1:47pm

The executive committee of VMRO-DPMNE decided late last night not to accept the proposal of the opposition for holding early parliamentary elections, because, as they stress, at the moment there are no objective reasons for terminating the 4-year term entrusted by the citizens for implementation of the pledged projects of VMRO-DPMNE’s election program, MIA reports Thursday.

“It is unacceptable for VMRO-DPMNE to fully defocus the energy directed toward the implementation of its 4-year program, the fight against crime and corruption, the handling of the effects of the economic crisis, the realization of the Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the pursuit of all other state and national interests just because of Branko Crvenkovski’s bluffing and poker approach to politics,” the announcement from VMRO-DPMNE’s communication center says.

Macedonia takes diplomatic activities
admin1 – December 7, 2010 – 10:37am

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski stressed Monday that Macedonia was taking diplomatic activities for resolution of the name issue. He explained that in this context were also Foreign Minister Milososki’s letter to the EU and the public appeal to mediator Matthew Nimetz to put forward a new proposal as soon as possible.

The Macedonian ambassadors to the EU member countries received instructions from Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki to reinforce diplomatic activities so that the country may be given a green light from the European Council for opening membership negotiations. The Summit of the European Council will take place on 16-17 December. 

Protest march organized by SDSM
admin1 – December 6, 2010 – 9:35am

Around 50,000 people participated in the protest march organized by SDSM that was held Sunday. The march kicked off from the Army Hospital in Skopje’s settlement Karpos and the citizens gathered outside the Parliament. They showed Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski the red card and the protest was peaceful without any incidents. SDSM president Branko Crvenkovski stressed that the democracy is violated on each step and advised PM Gruevski to declare early elections. Opposition members submitted three documents to the Parliament: an initiative for change of the electoral code, proposal for forming a commission that will control the voters’ list and a claim for the Parliament’s dissolution.  

admin1 – December 3, 2010 – 12:57pm

Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki has sent a letter on Friday to his Greek counterpart Dimitris Droutsas in which he asks for Greece's support over the decision for start of Macedonia's EU accession negotiations in light of the coming meetings of the Council of the European Union and the European Council. Macedonian Minister reminds that the European Commission has reconfirmed the recommendation for the beginning of Macedonia's accession talks in the 2010 Enlargement Package, recognizing the country's achievements in the past year.

Skopje, 1 December 2010

Dear colleague,

I avail myself of this opportunity, in the light of the upcoming meetings of the EU Council and the European Council in December 2010, to ask for your support for the adoption of a decision for start of accession negotiations of the EU with the Republic of Macedonia.
As you know, in the 2010 Enlargement Package the European Commission renewed its recommendation for opening of accession negotiations with my country, recognizing our achievements in the past year and reaffirming that we remain ready to face the challenges of the next stage of the accession process.
My country has been qualified for start of accession negotiations for two consecutive years and has been a candidate country without opening accession talks for five full years. This situation is unsustainable both for a candidate country that will next month establish full trade association with the EU under the Stabilization and Association Agreement as well as for the credibility of the EU and its enlargement policy.
Republic of Greece as the oldest member state of the European Union in our region and declared friend of the enlargement policy, through the Thessaloniki Agenda and today with the initiative Agenda 2014/2018, could significantly contribute to the revitalization of the European integration of the whole region. Your support to the adoption of a decision to start the accession negotiations with the Republic of Macedonia will create the necessary political impetus to this end. With such a step, we together will also stimulate the necessary positive climate of confidence in our mutual relations for permanently resolving the remaining bilateral difference with a sustainable solution acceptable for the both countries and peoples, in the interest of the regional and European stability and prosperity.
Please accept, dear colleague, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Antonio Milošoski

His Excellency
Mr. Dimitris DROUTSAS
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Hellenic Republic

A T H E N S   

admin1 – December 3, 2010 – 12:44pm
MFA -logo

Министерот за надворешни работи на Република Македонија, Антонио Милошоски испрати писмо до својот грчки колега, Димитрис Друцас во кој побара поддршка од Република Грција за донесување на одлука за почеток на пристапни прговори на ЕУ со Република Македонија, во пресрет на претстојните состаноци на Советот на ЕУ и Европскиот Совет:

Ivanov: OSCE had a significant role in Macedonia
admin1 – December 2, 2010 – 9:26am
ivanov vo kazahstan

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov held Wednesday an informal meeting with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou at the sidelines of the OSCE Summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. Meetings focused on information and opinion exchange regarding current developments in both countries and the future regional cooperation. Ivanov, who is participating at the OSCE Summit, met with his Serbian counterpart Boris Tadic, Albanian Bamir Topi, Bulgarian Georgi Parvanov and Turkish president Abdullah Gul. Ivanov also met with OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek.

President Ivanov stated that OSCE had a significant role in Macedonia, it did a good job and helped the country in transforming from beneficiary of its services to contributor over its goals of promoting and spreading the zone of peace, stability and security and that Macedonia is today a model of multiethnic coexistence. 

Avon Launches Avon Voices - Company's First-ever Global Online Singing Talent Search and Songwriting Competition
admin1 – December 1, 2010 – 12:49pm
Avon Voices
 - Fergie, Diane Warren, Natasha Bedingfield, Lea Salonga, Ivete Sangalo and Valeriya Headline Roster of International Judges

NEW YORK, December 1, 2010/PRNewswire/ -- Avon Products, Inc. launches Avon Voices, its first-ever global online singing talent search for women and songwriting competition for men and women in celebration of its 125th Anniversary. Avon invites people from more than 60 countries, along with its 6.2 million independent sales Representatives, to ignite a global movement through music. A renowned judging panel of music industry leaders from around the world includes: Fergie, six-time Grammy award winner; Diane Warren, legendary songwriter; Natasha Bedingfield, Grammy nominated singer/songwriter; Lea Salonga, Filipina singer and actress; Russian sensation Valeriya; Delta Goodrem, Australian Artist of the Decade; Ivete Sangalo, Brazil's biggest pop star; Sheila E., breakthrough, Grammy-nominated female percussionist; David Pack, Grammy award-winning singer/composer and music producer; and Maia, Colombian singing star.

Промоцијата на публикацијата: Машина за преименување
admin1 – December 1, 2010 – 12:24pm
Press to exit

Press to exit project space ве поканува на промоцијата на интердисциплинарната публикација Машина за преименување, во петок, 3 декември, 2010 година, во Културниот центар ЦК, од 18 часот.  Уредничка на публикацијата е д-р. Сузана Милевска, кураторка и теоретичарка која предава историја и теорија на уметноста на Факултетот за ликовни уметност во Скопје.

FxPro Wins Financial Times / Investors Chronicle Investment Awards 2010 - 'Forex Provider of the Year'
admin1 – December 1, 2010 – 11:21am

LONDON, December 1, 2010/PRNewswire/ -- FxPro Financial Services Ltd (FxPro), a leading global retail broker in FX and CFDs, today announces it was voted 'Forex Provider of the Year' at the prestigious Financial Times / Investors Chronicle Investment Awards 2010 (FT/IC Investment Awards).

Winners of the 2011 European Border Breakers' Awards Announced
admin1 – December 1, 2010 – 11:13am

GRONINGEN, The Netherlands, December 1, 2010/PRNewswire/ --     The winners of the 2011 European Border Breakers' Awards (EBBA) for emerging talent in European pop, rock and dance music were announced today by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and music promoter Eurosonic. The winners will receive their awards in a ceremony hosted by TV personality and musician Jools Holland at the Eurosonic-Noorderslag music festival in Groningen,Netherlands, on 12 January 2011.

British-Hungarians support Macedonia's EU and NATO membership
admin1 – November 30, 2010 – 6:15pm

27 November 2010

The Rt Hon David Cameron, MP

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Dear Mr Cameron,

Members of the Hungarian Communion of Friends in Britain have observed with great satisfaction that the recent official visit to London by Mr Nikola Gruevski Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia provided Her Majesty’s government with an opportunity to reitarete the strong British support for Macedonia’s EU and NATO ambitions. Hungarians living in the United Kingdom are committed to a stable, prosperous and peaceful Europe, and we are convinced that the best institutional structures to secure these goals are those offered by NATO and EU membership. We strongly believe that the people and the government of the Republic of Macedonia share our goals and are committed to the Euro-Atlantic values.

EU drugs agency launches new guidelines for HIV testing in injecting drug users
admin1 – November 30, 2010 – 5:08pm
EU drugs agency l
(30.11.2010, LISBON) More injecting drug users should undergo tests for HIV, viral hepatitis and other infections such as tuberculosis, says the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA). In new guidelines published today on the eve of World AIDS Day, the agency describes how, in this group, the uptake of testing is still low in many European countries (1).
World AIDS Day
admin1 – November 30, 2010 – 4:48pm

World AIDS Day
1 December 2010

UNI-SOLAR(TM) to Power Rooftop Above the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico
admin1 – November 30, 2010 – 4:34pm

As Global Leaders Meet, Solar Power Puts Climate Goals Into Action

ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich., Nov. 30, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- United Solar, a wholly owned subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq:ENER), today
announced the completion and operation of a solar power project on the rooftop of the Moon Palace Hotel in Cancun, Mexico, owned by Palace Resorts and host
site for the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

This important global event will attract about 20,000 participants from nations around the world. They will gather in Cancun from November 29 to December 10,
2010, with the objective of discussing future commitments to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

NATO ship RFA Fort Victoria tracks and disrupts pirate vessel
admin1 – November 30, 2010 – 1:13pm

London, 30 November, 2010: Yesterday, the UK ship RFA Fort Victoria currently part of NATO’s counter piracy mission, Operation Ocean Shield successfully disrupted a skiff while patrolling off the coast of Somalia.

Late on Sunday afternoon, Fort Victoria’s helicopter identified a whaler anchored offshore near Hobyo, fully loaded with fuel and with pirates on board ready to leave. As darkness fell RFA Fort Victoria, her helicopter and Royal Marines boarding teams from the Fleet Protection Group shadowed the pirate vessel as it transited due east from the shore.